Saturday, April 21, 2007

just "friends"?

It's the age old question: can men and women be "just friends"? While there are solid cases 4 both sides, I say that men and women, in general, CANNOT be "just" friends!

Alot of women who disagree with this sentiment, quite often take much offense 2 this statement, when they start thinking about all of the men they know, or have known, whom they consider friends. They automatically think that this means that men cannot love them 4 the person that they are deep down, but this is not the case at all. Men surely can love women, and appreciate ALL that a woman has 2 offer (outside of sex), but a man will still want sex 2 be part of the "equation", at 1 point or another. I know it works slightly different 4 women, but 4 men, it's really quite simple! The only exceptions are if he is gay, or he is PHYSICALLY repulsed by the woman. I emphasize "physically", because a man can NOT like a woman, yet STILL want 2 sleep with her! So, realize, ladies, that any man, who is heterosexual, and is NOT physically repulsed by u, will definitely want 2 have sex with u, or at the very least, he will be physically attracted 2 u enough 2 want things 2 be more than just platonic. The only OTHER exception is if u're a relative, and even THIS isn't an exception 4 some! Incest (or just incestuous imagingings) are far more COMMON than alot would care 2 know!

Basically, men don't approach women 2 be their "friends"! That's what they have their MALE friends 4! And truthfully, women don't approach men 4 just friendship either! It is the nature of the male and female energies 2 want 2 "hook-up", so 2 speak, 2 do that "dance" 2-gether. There are ALWAYS sexual undertones present in the interactions between men and women. That's just the way we are designed. But, men and women CAN become friends, the BEST of friends! But, there will still be an attraction on 1, or BOTH, of their parts, spoken or unspoken! Alot of people consider it platonic if nothing physical ever takes place, but I say that it's NEVER "platonic", because 1, or BOTH, of them are always THINKING about taking it further, even if they're 2 shy 2 speak up about it! Unless, of course, the above mentioned exceptions apply. Basically, men deal with women they've ALREADY had sex with (in which case, if a lasting relationship doesn't emerge, and the 2 of them like each other enough, can THEN remain "friends", even though someone may STILL wanna be physical sometimes), are currently having sex with, or HOPE 2 have sex with in the future! This last category is usually the 1 that confuses women the most, because this guy is usually very nice, and says all the right things, but ultimately, even if he DOES want something of SUBSTANCE, he, 2 (like all other guys) is waiting 4 an "opening", a "time is right" moment, 2 take things 2 the next level! Notice, ladies, when u make it CLEAR 2 a man pursuing u, that there is NO CHANCE, whatsoever, that u guys will "hook-up", that all of a sudden, his "nice-ness" begins 2 dwindle?! Even if nothing actually HAS happened between the 2 of u, as long as u haven't let him know that nothing is going 2 happen, EVER, a man will still hold out hope, and that is a big part of him sticking around, and being "nice"! Another exception would be if the man is waiting 2 be married 2 have sex, 4 religious reasons, or whatever other reason he may have. Otherwise, what he's "waiting" 4 is SEX!

So, 2 sum this all up, can men and women be friends? Sure! The best! But can they be "just" friends? NO!

What do U think?

by creativemind755